the DL link

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Feet&Inches: '"
Text counter:
Secs since 1-Jan-1970:
Date: "month day year [hh:mm:ss]" format
#RGB: R: G: B:
Common colors: AbcDef #e6f0fa - light blue lightBlueBG, in styles.css
AbcDef #0000aa - CoBa link blue
AbcDef #1d4081 - CoBa blue
AbcDef #ff00ff - Magenta (CMYK: 0%, 100%, 0%, 0%)
AbcDef #b00000 - CoBa red
AbcDef #e0700a - CoBa orange orangeBG, in styles.css
AbcDef #FFCC33 - CoBa yellow
AbcDef #FFE180 - Unoffical CoBa light yellow lightYellowBG, in styles.css
AbcDef yellowBG, in styles.css (color: yellow == color: #ffff00)
AbcDef #d19405 - Unofficial CoBa contrast
AbcDef #F6F6F6 - pale grey
AbcDef #f0f0f0 - v light grey
AbcDef #ebf0f5 - bluey grey
AbcDef #EEEEEE - Aluminium paleGreyBackground, in styles.css .
AbcDef #e5e5e5 - CoBa light grey
AbcDef #DEDFE0
AbcDef #CCCCCC - Platinum
AbcDef #C0C0C0 greyBG, in styles.css
AbcDef #b3b3b3
AbcDef #909090
AbcDef #999999
AbcDef #888888
AbcDef #808080 - Coba dark grey
AbcDef #666666
AbcDef #555555
AbcDef #333333 - CoBa almost black
AbcDef #ddffce - Pale green paleGreenBG, in styles.css

Headings - H1

With text

H2 heading

And text

H3 heading

And text

H4 heading

And text
H5 heading
And text
H6 heading
And text
Page last edited: 17-Apr-2021